
Replay: I Mustache You a Question…

Original Date: 2024-03-06 @ 12:00pm CT

Some learn by doing, but many of us learn by asking. So, are you ready to ask away?


Director of Paid Media, Curtiss Gulash, will wrangle the BFO team to answer your commonly asked questions about paid media. Covering everything from keywords and ad copy to campaign strategy and KPIs, let’s dispel some rumors and misconceptions about paid media – especially as it relates to SEO, reporting and analytics, and your overall digital marketing strategy.


Join our team of marvelously mustachioed misfits at 12pm CST on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024, as we not only get to the bottom of your questions, but also provide you with tried and true strategies for success.


…did we mention we’ll be wearing mustaches? We’ll be wearing mustaches.


Want us to answer YOUR question?

Submit your question(s) in the signup form to the right or send an email to marketing@befoundonline.com from now through 3/4/23 with “I Mustache You a Question…” as the subject line.


Who nose what you’ll walk away with a better handle(bar) on after(shave) this one!